ECDIS Safety Notice

Is your ECDIS working? IHO Data Checks.
Changes introduced in Edition 4.0 of the IHO Presentation Library invalidate the tests contained in the ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Checks which were specifically designed and developed for ECDIS using previous editions of the Presentation Library.
An ECDIS type approval certificate showing conformance with tests in edition 4.0 of IEC 61174 demonstrates that the ECDIS does not have any of the identified ENC display anomalies.
The subsequent guidance (August 2017) HERE describes the method by which mariners may check the ECDIS displays for the new ENC symbols contained in Edition 4.0 of the Presentation Library. 
If you detect any anomaly in the display, please contact the provider of the ECDIS and inform the IHO at [email protected].

IMO: ECDIS - Guidance for Good Practice (MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1 June 2017)
Ship operators, masters and deck officers on ECDIS-fitted ships are encouraged to use this guidance to improve their understanding and facilitate safe and effective use of ECDIS. This circular draws together relevant guidance from seven previous ECDIS circulars into a single, consolidated document

Download MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev1 

IHO Safety Notice about the reliability of ECDIS
After checking the reports received so far of the IHO data checks, the IHO have released circular letters regarding the reliable operation of ECDIS. Mariners and owners/managers should read and act on the information published in the circulars.

IHO Circular letter CL33/2012 : Reliable operation of ECDIS
IHO Circular letter CL91/2012 : 3rd Update report on IHO actions concerning ECDIS software issues