Shipping is a people-centred industry and soft skills are the essential glue that binds individuals together. They empower teams to collaborate effectively and enable people to perform at their best.
Can fostering a Just Culture enhance safety in the maritime industry, reduce the fear of unjust prosecution, and ultimately protect lives at sea?
Head of Publications and Information at The Nautical Institute, Steven Gosling MSc AFNI has a lively discussion with Captain Andre LeGoubin MNM MA FNI author of the book and Katharine Johns MNI, Navigation officer at the Canadian Coast Guard about the importance of mentoring at sea.
This isn't fiction; it's a reality faced by mariners daily—a truth explored during an enlightening webinar held on May 29th by The Ocean Project in partnership with The Nautical Institute.
The experience of working at sea can be quite different for women than it is for their male colleagues, despite filling the same roles, following the same work patterns, and operating in the same working environments.
It has never been more important for Masters and deck officers to have a good understanding of the maritime business landscape and the law to protect themselves, their crew and others they represent. After safety, the next priority for a Master is the commercial success of the voyage and good management of business and legal matters.
Considering a career ashore? Your skills are in high demand. Seafarers develop a wide range of skills during their training experience and seagoing career. These skills are highly desirable to employers in a wide range of shore-based roles.
Kind leadership offers a way forward for shipping
Results of the Maritime Professional Council’s (MPC) survey of mariners on ‘Kind Leadership’, will be announced during this Nautical Institute webinar where the findings will be discussed.
The survey brought together opinions from serving seafarers, superintendents and managers and among the results to be announced will be that 89% of respondents say there is a place for ‘Kind Leadership’ in our industry and 79% consider STCW Leadership Training to be insufficient.
Originally published thirty years ago, Bulk Carrier Practice revolutionised the understanding of safety within the dry bulk sector. Today, the newly published third edition is fully revised and expanded to provide authoritative guidance on safety critical issues and more, covering every aspect of dry bulk shipping, afloat and ashore. Join the Nautical Institute's panel of expert speakers in this webinar to discuss the most pressing issues facing bulk carriers today - and the most practical way to deal with them.