Seeing the world by all available means


Inside this issue

All @ Sea - What's next for The Navigator?

Happy talk: verbal communication and effective navigation Our ability to communicate with each other defines our existence. Life would be very difficult if we could not communicate our thoughts to each other. Even falling in love would be hard! Communication with our fellow humans defines our relationships in life. It also defines our ability to perform our tasks and duties in the workplace. This article explains why the role of verbal communications during navigation is critical

Interpreting data- a human-technology partnership- A large amount of data is now available to us all, both on a private and professional basis. Every day, we make decisions based on incomplete information, recognise patterns and act on other behaviours that a computer would and could not do. So, while computers are a good tool to help us find out what’s going on in the world, using them in isolation is not the only way. This article looks at how to make sense of what computers are telling us and how to combine our human abilities and their technological strengths to develop effective, informed communications.

WATCHOUT - Communications Breakdown - In this series, we take a look at maritime accident reports and the lessons that can be learned

Who's navigating? - Keeping everybody in the loop - Chief Officer Vladimir Torskiy AMNI talks about his training and working life at sea

WAYPOINT - Making your voice heard wherever you are- Dr Andy Norris, an active Fellow of The Nautical Institute and the Royal Institute of Navigation, explores why we need to talk on the bridge – but communications outside the vessel can be better without words

Take 10- This issue of take The Navigator 10 has looked at communications. Here are ten points to take away from this issue to bear in mind next time you’re on duty on the bridge


31 May 2024

Looking beyond the fog?

Navigating in fog or other restricted visibility will never be pleasant, but familiarity with the vessel’s procedures, capabilities and equipment will help make the process as safe as possible. Captain Tuuli Messer-Bookman AFNI, an experienced mariner and a professor at the California Maritime Academy in the USA, offers some advice on how to operate when visibility is low

The Navigator statement
31 May 2024

Take 10: Issue 36

Ten tips for handling restricted visibility at sea, maintaining a good lookout and operating within the relevant Colregs

The Navigator statement
31 May 2024

WATCHOUT - Close encounter – how inadequate lookouts led to two ships colliding in foggy conditions

In this series, we take a look at maritime accident reports and the lessons that can be learned

The Navigator statement
31 May 2024

All at Sea - The Navigator Issue 36

We welcome your news, comments and opinions on the topics covered in The Navigator

The Navigator statement
31 May 2024

Dealing with restricted visibility - What rule when?

Twenty years ago, The Nautical Institute published a survey that showed that there is often confusion over the sections of the Collision Regulations (Colregs) that apply in restricted visibility. The answer may seem straightforward enough – Rules 4-10, which always apply, plus Rule 19. However, the introduction of modern technology and autonomous vessels has added further layers to the question. The Nautical Institute has recently worked with the UK MCA to update their guidance. Here are some of the key points

The Navigator statement
31 May 2024

Who's navigating? Adventure and aspiration at sea

Chief Officer Sarker Mohiuddin Hasnat Lenin MNI shares how an early love of adventure stories inspired him to follow a career at sea

The Navigator statement
31 May 2024

WAYPOINT : Looking into a future of one hundred eyes

George Shaw from the Royal Institute of Navigation looks into his crystal ball to explore how innovations in ‘panoptic vision’ and artificial intelligence might support mariners in the future in navigating areas of restricted visibility

The Navigator statement
09 Feb 2024

Who's navigating? From Dynamic Positioning to marine consultancy

Tow Master and Marine Consultant Tom Feakins discusses the career opportunities that his DP training has given him

The Navigator statement
09 Feb 2024

WATCHOUT - DP system failure on diving support vessel leads to serious incident

In this series, we take a look at maritime accident reports and the lessons that can be learned

The Navigator statement
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