Contribute to Alert!

An online database has been incorporated into the Alert! website to provide a structure for holding information about Human Element issues pertinent to the shipping industry. 

Contributors are invited to submit academic papers, technical papers, magazine articles, presentations, letters etc that are likely to add value to the understanding and application of Human Element issues, to: r[email protected]

Once the submission has been accepted, it is allocated a reference number and the contributor will then receive notification (by e-mail) from the editor that it has been accepted and uploaded to the database. The editor reserves the right to reject any submission if he considers it to be inappropriate. All documents for uploading to the database should be provided in pdf format and should be no more than 2MB in file size.

Included with the submission (but separate to the document) should be an abstract of the document (maximum 250 words), which should also include:

* The title of the document

* The name(s) of the author(s)

* Date document published

* A list of keywords

Contributors who are submitting documents which are subject to Third Party Copyright should first obtain the permission of the Copyright holder and then clearly indicate at the top of the document that it is 'Reproduced with the kind permission of [name of the Third Party]'

The opinions expressed within the content of this database, are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Nautical Institute or the Lloyd's Register Foundation. The Nautical Institute and the members of The Lloyd's Register Foundation, their affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to as 'The Nautical Institute and The Lloyd's Register Foundation'.

The Nautical Institute and The Lloyd's Register Foundation assume no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice provided through this website or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with an entity from The Nautical Institute and The Lloyd's Register Foundation for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.

All material contained in this database may be downloaded free of charge to file or printer without requiring specific permission. Authorisation to reproduce any material contained in the database, which is identified as being the Copyright of a third party, must be obtained directly from the Copyright holders concerned.