200219 Unmarked Dangerous Goods

19 Jan 2002 MARS

Unmarked Dangerous Goods
Report No. 200219

Is the IMDG Code worthwhile? The Code's recommendations and international/national regulations on the safe transportation of dangerous goods are written in order that:

  1. Articles or commodities be properly classified and described by the shipper(s).
  2. Cargoes be properly packaged, labelled, marked and declared.
  3. Cargoes be appropriately segregated within a cargo space (be it in a container or cargo space within a vessel).
  4. Cargo be properly documented with relevant and understandable information being given to all parties concerned with the handling, transportation, storage and distribution.

If all of the above are observed, risks are kept to a minimum and the target is attained, i.e. to safely handle, carry and finally deliver merchandise.

Calcium Carbide was shipped on a vessel in containers which were not overtly declared, marked or labelled to show the contents. Hence neither the potential or subsidiary risks were highlighted to those immediately concerned with the handling, stowage and segregation on board. They were stowed at floor level at the fore end of cargo space No. 2. Wool bales were loaded into the after end of this space. At the end of the working day the steel fore and aft folding hatch lids were closed. During the night an alarm call was made by the duty seaman who explained that there was a fire in No. 2 hatch. The CO2 smothering system was used to extinguish the fire. The local fire brigade was called to assist. When they arrived, the fire officer in charge made enquiries as to the nature of the cargo in the hold. He was informed about the wool bales and the "non-hazardous" container cargo. Without further questioning he decided to use water to douse the fire. After a while, the water reached the bottom sill of the container doors and pandemonium broke out. A huge burst of gas and flames appeared. The use of water was stopped immediately and it was decided to use foam. Eventually the fire was brought under control but not before the reaction of the Calcium Carbide and water had produced acetylene gas.

The consequences of this incident were heat damage to the vessel and large financial costs. Investigations and back-tracking of documents established that the Calcium Carbide had been packed in metal canisters or small drums with pressure lids which had not passed statutory tests or been issued with certificates. It would appear that the shippers were commercially pressed to "mask" the shipment in connivance with the freight canvasser. They did not overtly document or declare the dangerous goods in the recommended fashion. Hence the cargo proceeded to be shipped as "non-hazardous" articles and posed a serious danger.