99031 The Use of Survival Craft Radios

31 Jan 1999 MARS

The Use of Survival Craft Radios
Report No. 99031

In MARS 98033, the reporter condemned the use of Survival craft walkie-talkies for everyday use on cargo work. However, I would like to point out that the radios supplied to this vessel have the following text as part of the Manufacturers Instructions

 Your new VHF transceiver is approved to fulfil the GMDSS requirements to portable VHF transceivers and so it is part of the required safety equipment to be used in an emergency situation.

However, the best way to guarantee functionality in an emergency is to use the equipment in daily work on board as a useful communications media.

This is possible due to a unique concept with the PRIMARY EMERGENCY BATTERY stored for the emergency and a SECOND RECHARGEABLE BATTERY for daily use of your new portable transceiver. This concept secures at least 8 hours operation time even at minus 200c at sea.