The Ship Master’s Business Self Examiner
Coming soon! The Ship Master’s Business Self Examiner - significantly updated to reflect new changes and amendments.
The highly anticipated 11th edition of this must-have reference book, The Ship Master’s Business Self Examiner, is coming in early 2024. This ever-popular publication has, for more than 20 years, found a comfortable home on the bookshelf of deck officers preparing for their professional exams and those in command keen to be reminded of the rules, regulations, laws and customs that underpin the ship’s business and the role the Master plays within it.
Written by Malcolm Maclachlan and revised by Simon Daniels and Forkanul Quader, this extensive volume will be presented in its familiar Q&A format and also be useful to those preparing for UK Legal and Administrative Procedures (UKLAP) exams as part of the requirements for a UK certificate of equivalent competency (CEC).
Keep an eye on the Nautical Institute website and social media channels for more updates soon!