The Navigator gathers steam with a successful second issue
The Nautical Institute has built on the success of its new publication aimed at marine navigators and launched in October 2012 with the release of its second issue.
The Nautical Institute has built on the success of its new publication aimed at marine navigators and launched in October 2012 with the release of its second issue. The Navigator is a free 12-page magazine produced by The Nautical Institute three times a year. The second issue covers the vital subject of how to avoid collisions at sea.
The Navigator's editor, Emma Ward, said: "Our first issue received lots of pleasingly positive feedback and we have been delighted by how readers have reacted to it. Now, with this second issue, our aim has been to build on the successful start and to develop a professional publication that is substantive, educational and, above all, inspiring for the navigators it is written for."
The second issue of The Navigator looks at the COLREGS, with articles about the human element of collision avoidance and different aspects of the COLREGS – such as what is meant by the phrase, 'all available means'. Other articles include an accident report of a collision at sea, an interview with a currently serving navigator and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of radar.
David Patraiko, Director of Projects for The Nautical Institute, has high hopes for the new publication. "We intend The Navigator to evolve with each issue and hope that our readers will engage with it, and with us, to help develop it from its current infancy into a leading information resource for navigators and seagoing personnel. We want The Navigator to be something of which The Nautical Institute and the wider marine industry can be proud."
The Navigator is produced by The Nautical Institute with support from the Royal Institute of Navigation and is available in both printed and digital format. Printed copies are currently distributed alongside The Nautical Institute's membership magazine, Seaways, as well as through missions and maritime training establishments. The digital version of The Navigator can be accessed via The Nautical Institute’s website at:
For more information please contact Bridget Hogan, Director of Publishing and Marketing, The Nautical Institute + 44 (0)20 7928 1351, [email protected]
Editor’s notes: The Nautical Institute is the international professional body for qualified seafarers and others with an interest in nautical matters. It provides a wide range of services to enhance the professional standing and knowledge of members who are drawn from all sectors of the maritime world. Founded in 1972, it has over 40 branches world-wide and some 7,000 members in over 110 countries.