200251 The Danger of Modifying Electrical Connections
The Danger of Modifying Electrical Connections
Report No. 200251
A hazardous situation was discovered on board a Company vessel during a recent superintendent's inspection, whereby the integrity of the electrical installation on board had been breached.
Unauthorised modifications to a 'two core' steel wire braided electrical cable that connected a bilge alarm float switch in the fo'c'sle Bosun's store to the engine control room were found to have been made.
The 'two core' electrical float switch cable had been changed to a 'three core' electrical cable by expediently using the steel braiding as the third wire, in order to provide an additional alarm signal within the engine control room.
Lessons Learned
- Steel braiding on electrical cable is required to be 'earthed' at both ends for safety reasons. In this instance, a highly hazardous situation to both personnel onboard and the vessel was created by the unauthorised modification. In addition, the incident demonstrates a complete disregard to safe working practices, and applicable Classification Society's rules and requirements.
- Electrical system repairs or modifications onboard Company vessels must at all times be carried out by a competent person as defined in STCW 95, Chapter III, Section A-III/1 and Section A-III/2, and in accordance with all applicable regulations, classification society rules and requirements.