Seaways Focus - March 2025

26 Feb 2025 Seaways

Making an impact and making a difference

by Captain John Lloyd FNI CEO

Over the past few days, I have been working with colleagues drafting the Annual Report of activities undertaken by The Nautical Institute during 2024. Of course, being busy is one thing; making an impact and making a difference is another!

We are in the process of releasing a short summary of the key areas in which we have influenced positive change in the maritime community, and continue to do so. Communications and engagement are part of this, but so is technical engagement and leadership.

We have continued to grow our membership numbers, and I am grateful for the work of so many people who have been active on that front. Encouraging student membership and facilitating professional discussions with maritime professionals in all areas and regions is key to our global impact and continued growth.

With new publications released and a range of ‘best practice’ videos launched through the OCEAN project we continue to be at the leading edge of discussions around maritime professionalism. We continue to grow our influence at the IMO, and our Academy had its strongest year ever, supported by several leading shipping companies committed to investing in the future of their mariners. Thank you for being part of this voyage.

Join us at the AGM

On the theme of communication, our meetings and gatherings are hugely important. This year we are delighted to be holding our Annual General Meeting and Technical Conference in Dubai in early May.

The formal calling notice of the AGM is in this edition of Seaways but that is only part of the story. We will be hosting the main stage in the World Trade Centre during UAE Maritime week on 8 May, addressing key themes for the regional and global maritime community.

The whole week shines a spotlight on the maritime sector of the United Arab Emirates, and we are pleased to be working with Seatrade, the organisers of the exposition. This is a fabulous venue in a fabulous location that will enable The Nautical Institute to showcase our activities, successes and impact. Come and join us if you can. Register for the AGM event on 7 May here and watch out for details on how to register for our technical conference.

To round off the week, we will be actively supporting and joining in with The Nautical Institute UAE Branch gala dinner and charity auction. This amazing annual event not only brings together leaders of our industry, but also raises money for great maritime causes including the sponsorship of cadets from the UAE. Clear your diary and come and join in one of our signature events for 2025.

Organisational health

Being effective means understanding the environment and the context within which we are striving to make a difference. Of course, our strategic plan provides part of that context as we support the professional development of our members and other mariners. But context is also important in relation to the organisations that recruit and retain seafarers. Understanding how organisations work, how the varying parts of that organisation interact with each other – in our sector, in particular how ship and shore interact – and how they address key issues of communication and culture all inform the overall understanding of that organisation’s health.

"Being effective means understanding the environment and the context within which we are striving to make a difference."

We have been working extensively through and with The Nautical Institute Foundation and their association with The Blue, conducting research on what we might call an ‘organisation health assessment’ of companies and the people working with them. This research has helped us identify key strengths in the bond between the employer and the member of staff; it highlights what is going well so that further reinforcement and consolidation can be made in these areas.

At the same time, the research identifies areas of weakness; it helps uncover reasons why staff may be considering other employment choices, why there might be misunderstandings between ship and shore, and the operational impact of these conditions.

These insights provide companies with a clearer understanding of the challenges, whether related to retention, communication, workplace culture, or broader operational effectiveness. You will be able to read more about the concepts and deliverables in the April edition of Seaways.