Press Release: Silver celebrations as The Navigator publishes its 25th issue
The Nautical Institute is celebrating a special milestone for The Navigator, the free magazine aimed at maritime navigators around the world. The new issue, which is published this month, is the 25th edition of the award-winning publication launched in 2012.
Articles include a look back at a few of the top tips shared in past editions, an interview with Senior Vice-President of The Nautical Institute and distributor of The Navigator, Captain André LeGoubin FNI, a collage of reader photographs and letters and a reminder of some of the technology articles written by Dr Andy Norris FRIN FNI on behalf of the Royal Institute of Navigation.
David Patraiko FNI, Director of Projects for The Nautical Institute, said: “The Navigator was originally conceived to ensure that every professional navigator recognised the importance of navigating. It has grown beyond its original brief, however, as it’s not just navigators of all ranks who read it. We know that company directors and engineers have enjoyed it too.
"As we hit our 25th issue, I would like to take the opportunity to thank our volunteer distributors, without whom we couldn’t afford such an enterprise, nor enjoy the impact we have done from getting so many copies onboard ships around the world. I would also like to thank the International Foundation for Aids to Navigation (IFAN), supported by Trinity House and Steamship Mutual, for their generous funding of The Navigator”.
The Navigator is produced by The Nautical Institute with support from the Royal Institute of Navigation. It is available as a free pdf or as a digital magazine via The Nautical Institute website and dedicated app. Printed copies are distributed alongside The Nautical Institute's membership magazine, Seaways, and through missions and maritime training establishments.
Click here to read the latest copy of The Navigator today.
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