Pinch of Disbelief

11 Aug 2011 Resource

One of the web resources is the ability to see the local AIS scene live: go to:; - select "live AIS ship positions" ; choose "live ship position maps" from "Live AIS", drop down menu choose local area of choice

We have the opportunity to look out of the window and compare reality with AIS information. What an eye opener!

The container jetty line is 123/303; 201/202 berths are 030/210; Main western docks quayline is 118/298

The amount of false/missing/misleading information on the AIS is staggering:

Wrong directions; wrong mooring/underway etc status, wrong/missing dimensions, strange / missing names/call signs/MMSI's. Also often we observe "AIS swap" when names crossover  as ships get close to one another. (especially with pilot boats and ferries passing)

What is also clear is that the positions are often quite different to where the ships really are.

It is a strong and undeniable lesson in taking AIS information with a good pinch of disbelief.