Pilot Not Competent
Panama Canal (2)
Report No. 96025
After many Panama Canal transits without any damage, my vessel recentlyhit the wall whilst moving between the lock chambers. There was only onemetre space on each side of the ship but by using six locomotives this problemcan easily be overcome provided that they are properly directed. On thisoccasion, I tried to warn the pilot that we were getting close to the otherside but the ship yawed and we hit the wall with our port bow. On this sizeof vessel it is required by the Authority to have two pilots on board. Theidea is to have one pilot checking the distance on one wing whilst his colleaguedirects operations from the other wing. It often happens that both pilotsstay on one side. There was little damage but I was so upset that I consideredasking for a formal inquiry but as this would delay the ship I did not pursueit.