Optimisation of Navigation Webinar

21 Jun 2024 Webinar

This isn't fiction; it's a reality faced by mariners daily—a truth explored during an enlightening webinar held on May 29th by The Ocean Project in partnership with The Nautical Institute.

In the vast expanse of our oceans, an unseen dance occurs between behemoths: majestic whales gliding through the depths and colossal ships charting their course across the sea. It's a silent ballet where one partner doesn't always hear the music.

During the webinar, Capt Aly Elsayed AFNI, Senior Technical Advisor at The Nautical Institute, discussed the OCEAN project's research on maritime knowledge gaps and the creation of seven videos to address these gaps. The project emphasized the importance of navigational knowledge and safety measures among seafarers through free O7 training videos. Dr. Eric Styr Petersen AFNI, OCEAN Project Lead, highlighted the need for mariners to adapt navigational strategies in whale-populated waters.

The OCEAN project is not merely about compliance or ticking boxes; it's about nurturing a culture of enhancing situational awareness and conscious coexistence at sea. Through ongoing education efforts like these webinars and updated training tools, we're steering towards safer waters—for both humans embarking on nautical adventures and the magnificent mammals calling the ocean home. Let's set sail towards awareness because understanding is the rudder that guides us safely through more sustainable seas.

Key Moments:

00:00 - Introduction to Whale Behaviour and Ship Interactions

01:30 - Misconceptions about Whales and Ships

02:45 - Importance of Vigilance in Mariners

03:50 - Training Focus on Awareness-Building

05:10 - Emphasizing Active Navigation Decisions


Video Clips:

24:07 Best Practice to Avoid Ship Whale strikes

33:04 Effective Use of AIS

38:52 Navigational Situational Awareness

47:31 Enhancing Situational Awareness

55:34 The Benefits of HCD

01:04:43 Effective Leadership

01:13:53 The Importance of Effective Communications