Mentoring: Have your say

05 Sep 2017

Have you got a mentoring experience you would like to share?

Whether mentoring or being mentored, everyone has had their own experiences of mentoring.

We realise an integral part of becoming a professional is the presence of good mentors. In our most recent issue of The Navigator we asked you to send in your mentoring stories. Here are some personal stories we have received of the unexpected ways in which mentoring can occur.

Aminesh Singh’s story shows how mentoring can take less recognisable forms:
When in a small fleet of 10 vessels, Aminesh used to get 10 copies of The Navigator and distribute them to each vessel, thereby doing his bit of positive mentorship. This is an example of less obvious mentoring, but nonetheless important. By equipping his fellow seafarers with The Navigator magazine, he was able to professionally help them and improve the safety and smooth running of his fleet.

Sometimes mentoring can go unappreciated, as Captain Pileki experienced:
“I will never forget one Master who asked me to come on his watch every day. I still remember how unhappy I was. I was 20 years old and all my colleagues enjoyed their evenings with a movie and beer. However, during my time with this Master on the bridge, I gained knowledge on proper navigation and manoeuvring of the vessel. After all these years and looking back I am very grateful to him for all he taught me. Today I try to pass my experience and knowledge to others, and I use this as example to others.”

Have you got a mentoring story you would like to share? Send it in and help us encourage everyone to engage in the rewarding process of mentoring. Comment with your story below, use the hashtag #NautInst on social media or email us at [email protected] with your experience. 


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