Meet our Younger Member Ambassador

27 Dec 2024 Institute News

David Csaszar AMNIS, a nautical student at the University of Gibraltar

 David has been wind sailing from a very young age and has always admired life at sea. His first paid role as an assistant sailing instructor inspired him to pursue a maritime education.

 His goal is to earn a master’s degree while working as a deck officer in the cruise industry and, one day, become a captain.

 He joined The Nautical Institute to connect with a global community of seafarers and maritime professionals who openly share guidance and advice to support career development. He also values the wealth of educational resources available to members.

As a YMA, David aims to promote the benefits and networking opportunities that membership of The Nautical Institute offers to students and young cadets. He also believes the role will enhance his leadership skills and support his career ambitions.

David is part of a global network of 70 YMAs, appointed from educational programmes, colleges and the early stages of maritime careers. Together, they are dedicated to fostering a supportive environment for the next generation of maritime professionals.

Join us in congratulating David on his appointment as a Younger Member Ambassador and celebrating his continued journey towards maritime excellence.

Find out more about membership options here.