Invest in yourself

04 Apr 2016 Resource

Our CPD programme is designed to help you invest in yourself. Here we have some useful links for you to continue learning and develop as a professional.

You are a young, junior officer. You have been trained and have received a Certificate of Competency. You join a ship and are given responsibility for your own navigational watch. Are you ready? Do you know everything you need to know? If not, how do you go about learning, now you aren’t at nautical school anymore and don’t have any instructors to guide you or a task book to show you what you’re supposed to know? 

Our CPD programme is designed to help you invest in yourself. Here we have some useful links for you to continue learning and develop as a professional.

About the professions
Maritime careers information
Working at sea...
Working ashore...
Building a CV
Helpful CPD information
Maritime CPD events and seminars (worldwide)

 If know of any websites or sources of information that we could upload to this page to assist others in their CPD, please do let us know


In issue 11, our Training and Quality Manager, Theresa Nelson MNI speaks about how you can plan ahead and invest in yourself. Click the image below to read the full article:

CPD article issue 11



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