Introducing our YMAs
The Nautical Institute is pleased to appoint 70 new Younger Member Ambassadors
Here at The Nautical Institute, we are committed to the next generation of maritime professionals, be they young lawyers, academics, junior officers or cadets and we consistently deliver real value through our membership offering to those at the very start of their career. We actively listen to the experiences of our existing younger members by seeking direct feedback via surveys, outreaching to colleges, hosting webinars geared towards career development and by appointing the Younger Members’ Council (YMC), now in its fifth year.
As such, we are proud to introduce 70 new Younger Member Ambassadors (YMAs) appointed from colleges, educational programmes and first employers around the world. Our YMAs will be working to ensure that appropriate support is in place for their peers – and successive intakes – as they embark on their careers. The initiative will also help us to better understand what more needs to be done to expand our profile on college campuses and other maritime institutions, add value to the student experience through additional resources and original material, and help connect students with those already serving in the industry in roles they are training towards (including via The Nautical Institute’s global branch network).
Martin Fothergill MNI, Head of Membership & Branches, said:
“Their collective efforts, insights and feedback will be coordinated and supported through the YMC and will help us to develop stronger and deeper connections with the global body of maritime educators, as well as giving us a better understanding of the concerns and challenges faced by the next generation. We are particularly pleased that this is an opportunity for leaders of the future to take on a proactive role in our industry at an early stage in their working lives.”

Verena Stiller AMNIS newly appointed YMA and local branch committee member at The Nautical Institute’s branch in Germany, is delighted to have been selected as a YMA for her maritime college in northern Germany. She said:
“This opportunity is significant to me as I see it as a chance to make a meaningful contribution to strengthening the connection between The Nautical Institute and young individuals in the maritime community.”
“As a YMA, I am part of a global network of younger mariners who will soon shape the future of the shipping industry. I look forward to collaborating with my fellow YMAs and the YMC to support young colleagues and inspire them about the diverse career opportunities available in the maritime sector.”