2011X38 Fast Rescue Boat Release Accident
Fast Rescue Boat Release Accident |
Swedish Casualty Investigation Report |
This item has been translated from a report by the Swedish Maritime Casualty InvestIgation Division
It has been sent to MARS because it was considered important to make it available to a wider audience. The address for further details is:-
Sjöfartsverket, SE-601 78 Norrköping Sweden. Tel +46 11 19 10 00.
Fax +46 11 10 19 49.
A rescue boat was to be launched for an exercise. When lowering, the boat somehow caught on the ship's side and tilted outwards. It was then noticed that there was some slack in the rescue boat wire fall. In one way or another, the ring in which the hook was hanging had come loose from the hook in spite of the locking device, which was of a tipping type. The boat fell about 20 m down to the water. The three crew members in the boat were secured with harnesses so they did not fall out.
The release arrangement consisted of a ring on the end of the rescue boat wire fall. The hook was fastened in that ring. The locking device was a tipping lever which was kept in the correct up-right position by the weight of the boat. By lifting the lower end of the lever, the hook opened. The hook could be replaced in the ring when preparing for lifting up the boat. When releasing, the hook was opened up by the tilting movement.
The principle of the locking device means that the device is easily moved mechanically. If there is a slack in the wire, the ring or anything hanging in it; or the wire itself can lay over the locking device and make it open. Since the wire is slack, the ring can come loose from the hook without the crew's intention or notice.
This type of hook is rather common and experience shows that the scenario is likely to re-occur. Therefore, it is recommended to:
- watch carefully to prevent any slack in rescue boat wires
- use relevant personal protective equipment in the boat.