Depth Alarm Soundings
Shallow water pattern is displayed according with the open water contours setting, even if the ship is navigating in reltively deep waters
You can notice on the HR cell how the shallow water pattern is displayed according with the open water contours setting even if the ship is navigating in relative deep waters.(Response from UKHO)
Fig1 and 2 on safety contour 18m the shallow water pattern is displayed on the edge of the HR cell. (we used 18 meter safety contour in open water navigation)
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3. shallow water pattern removed
Fig 3
Fig 4. safety contour changed to 10m
Fig 4
The above causes a continuous triggered alarm for the operator multipilot display if the safety contour alarm is selected.
Response from UKHO
19th March 2013
We forwarded the issue to the Croatian Hydrographic Office who produce these ENCs. We understand they are in the process of producing new editions that will include more depth contours which will remove/minimise the problem.