All at Sea - The Navigator Issue 35

09 Feb 2024 The Navigator

We welcome your news, comments and opinions on the topics covered in The Navigator

Dynamic details

Seafarers with a deeper understanding of Dynamic Positioning and the technology and techniques behind it can often access a wider range of career opportunities.Here are some useful websites and online resources to help you increase your knowledge and skills. If you spot any broken links, or would like to suggest resources that we have not included here, please do get in touch!

IMCA advice

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) website has lots of helpful information on DP and how to harness its technology for safety and efficiency at sea. Check out here

Safety flashes

Forewarned is forearmed. Stay up-to-date with the latest DP incidents, potential hazards and lessons that can be learned from them with this essential safety resource from IMCA. Available here

Want to become a DPO?

If you're thinking of becoming a DPO, the NI Alexis website contains information about the training scheme and seatime that you will need to undertake to qualify. There are several specialist certification and accreditation options to choose from. This resource will help you make sure you choose the right one. Take a look

Helpful handbook

Have you got a burning question that you always wanted to ask about DP? Perhaps you want to know more about what becoming a DPO entails, or get a headstart on your study. The Nautical Institute’s DP Operator's Handbook is your friend! Order your copy here

If you are interested in becoming an Affiliate Partner and joining an elite group of companies supporting maritime safety worldwide, visit here for more information.

Skuld image


 Ocean Technologies Group image
Philippine Transmarine Carriers image

Philippine Transmarine Carriers

UK P&I Club image

UK P&I Club

Excelerate Technical Management  image

Excelerate Technical Management