All at sea - The Navigator Issue 29

02 Feb 2022 The Navigator

We welcome your news, comments and opinions on the topics covered in The Navigator

The Navigator - how do you get yours?

2022 marks fifty years of The Nautical Institute, the organisation that brings you The Navigator. It also marks ten years of The Navigator itself. Over the years, we’ve covered many aspects of this vital and exciting career, and we hope you’ve enjoyed reading these magazines and learning from them. We know many ships use them as a way to share knowledge on board, and we’re always delighted to hear that they’re valued – and that even old copies are used over and over again.
For the past ten years, The Navigator has mainly come to you on paper, thanks to many dedicated volunteers. We’re going to carry on providing copies for you to share, keep and pass on, but we’re also going to be looking at new ways to for you to exchange, keep and pass on.
From now on, The Navigator will be available online as fully searchable text, not just as pdfs, so it’s even easier to copy, print and share. We’re already much more active on social media, so make sure you follow us there for all the latest news.
It’s good to learn from text – but many people find videos more helpful. We hope to start making our own very soon – and we’ll be highlighting other people’s, too. Have a look at the below video for some really clear, practical advice from Lloyd’s Register on the topics we cover in this Navigator.

We’re going to hold a webinar about every Navigator – that’s an online session where our Head of Project, David Patraiko, chats with others about the topics covered in the most recent Navigator. It’s a chance to go in more depth and ask questions of the experts in person. And if you can’t make it live, you can always watch again later. The first one will be on Thursday 21 April. Keep an eye on our social media for more details – or visit our events page
We love hearing stories from people at sea – about you, about your life, what you do when you’re not on board. Navigators often go unnoticed, so we’re hoping to start a podcast featuring Navigator readers, to show the world who’s driving their ships and what it is they do all day. Sound interesting? Drop us an email at [email protected], or send us a message on Facebook if you’d like to take part. We’ll provide all the support you need; all you need to do is have an Internet connection and be willing to chat!
And we’re restarting our photo competition – see the back page for more details. We look forward to seeing all your photos. Many things have changed – but there’s at least one thing that hasn’t. Being a navigator is a truly important profession, and being a good navigator is something to be proud of.

With thanks to our supporters

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