All at sea - The Navigator Issue 25

01 Oct 2020 The Navigator

We welcome your news, comments and opinions on the topics covered in The Navigator

Welcome to a very special issue of The Navigator, as we celebrate our 25th issue. Since we launched back in 2012, we have been thrilled to receive letters from so many readers, both at sea and ashore. You have shared your insights, opinions, advice and recollections with us, and we have thoroughly enjoyed hearing from every single one of you.
We hope that you continue to enjoy our magazine and benefit from the various publications, training materials and online resources produced by The Nautical Institute. Thank you for reading, and for your invaluable support over the past 25 issues of The Navigator. We look forward to hearing all about your future voyages!
Emma Ward, Editor

I just want to share this one. These publications are really a big help to me. How to use effectively radar effectively, optimizing your skills in position fixing and bridge resource management to mention just a few. I strongly recommend these to all aspiring merchant navy officers. I brought four editions onboard to share – so worth bringing it in my luggage!
Joe Jurado

Ever since I started my maritime profession, The Navigator has been a part of it, with very interesting articles and a lot of helpful tips. "We only stop growing if we stop learning".
Rhenmar Diaz Montepio, 3rd officer, onboard M/V Monterey Bay

Technology is a really big help, not just in the maritime industry, but also in other fields. I think it is something that will make our jobs easier, better and safer and it’s up to us seafarers to make ourselves competitively viable, available and highly determined to thrive in a fast-changing, technologyinclined maritime world. The only permanent thing in this world is change, and if you don’t want to be left out, then you must keep up and do something about it. I make sure I’m updated with my training and, of course, by reading maritime magazines to know what’s new and what’s already obsolete.
Rodolfo Robles III, Second Officer, M/V Hokuetsu Century

I try not to miss a single issue of your magazine on board, it perfectly motivates you to improve in our profession and allows you to stay abreast of the main news of the maritime industry. Thank you for your work and motivation!
Kostantyn Furman, MV Harvest Frost

After a look into the future with The Navigator, we are back to the present day with inspection of rescue boat – training junior officers to perform a close inspection. Salvatore Muroni AFNI Catching up again today as I got finally internet connection after reaching Port Paradip, India. A change to read The Navigator 2020!
Karan Sawhney, Third Officer

Hi there from MV Arsinoe. Our copy of your Navigator is just black and white – but it will suffice to learn something new about world maritime news!
Nyier Serato, MV Arsinoe


If you would like to get in touch with us, please contact the editor, Emma Ward at [email protected], or look out for the LinkedIn discussion. We look forward to hearing from you.