All at Sea - The Navigator Issue 19

01 Oct 2018 The Navigator

We welcome your news, comments and opinions on the topics covered in The Navigator

If you would like to get in touch with us, please contact the editor, Emma Ward at [email protected], or look out for the LinkedIn discussion. We look forward to hearing from you.

I have worked onboard for thirty two years, with fifteen as a Captain of tanker ships. Most of the time I sailed along the Peruvian coast. The sea there is quiet most of the time, above all in summer. Five years ago, a friend of mine told me about The Nautical Institute and recommended it. Since then I keep my knowledge upto- date with The Navigator, reading about several important merchant marine topics. Now, I am retired and in charge of the education and training of three hundred seafarers in my company. When I receive my copies of The Navigator, I send them onboard ships so other officers can also enrich their knowledge and professionalism. I appreciate the efforts you make for merchant mariners.
Angel Carbajal Diaz Naviera Transoceánica S.A, Callao, Peru

I started my professional career as a deck cadet with Fleet Management Ltd. I am currently sailing in the capacity of Third Officer, holding a Second Mate certificate of competence. I love living the life of a seafarer, seeing the world, seeing new places, meeting new people. I’m a regular reader of The Navigator. It has great articles to read which help us learn and understand about ships and the shipping industry. Thank you, and have a great day!
Soshyant Singh Third Officer

Hello all! I am sailing as an ice navigator onboard the MV Nordic Olympic. As I write, I can see the ice of Pond Inlet, Nunavut, Canada in the background. I have been a member of The Nautical Institute for ten years and enjoy reading The Navigator. Especially when there are discussions on ice navigation topics! Good luck and fair winds to all.
Captain Paul Ruzycki, AFNI Ice Navigator, MV Nordic Olympic

Reading and feeding your brain with this insightful magazine will help keep your learning on track. As a rating, it inspires me to perform my job confidently and competently. I am an Ordinary Seaman and aspirant Navigational Officer.
Jacques Eleazer Bete Ordinary Seaman, WW ships

Thanks to Jestoni Balibat for his letter in the last issue which we mistakenly attributed to Richard Abrigo.

Ask A Captain
Is there something you’ve always wanted to know about being a Master? Looking for mentoring, or practical advice – or just to know what it feels like to be in command?
For our next issue, Captain Ivo Jutrovic has agreed to answer your questions – so send them in to us via Facebook, or to [email protected], and we’ll pass them on. We can’t guarantee to answer everything, but all questions welcome! We look forward to hearing from you.
The Navigator team