94018 Fishing Signals

18 Jan 1994 MARS


Confusing Signals on Fishing Boats
- World-wide.

- Report No. 94018.

The MARS reports in the March '94 issue of SEAWAYS, and in particular the insert referring to Malcolm Findlay's request for information, have given me the opportunity to raise the matter of fishing signals aboard small vessels that operate along the Dorset coastline. I have taken a series of photographs in Weymouth harbour of fishing vessels moored alongside while still showing the fishing signal. These signals are displayed 24 hours a day. At this time the Royal Navy, together with other NATO vessels, exercise in the area of Portland and are forced to assume that every fishing vessel is actually fishing, while in fact they are probably only on passage to the fishing grounds. It would appear that there is a wilful disregard or ignorance of the Rules and Regulations and a certain lack of attention on the part of the DoT to enforce them in the "remoter" areas.




This may not assist Malcolm Findlay in his deliberations but I feel it is worthy of a mention if only to highlight that there are some fundamental problems even before some fishing vessels set sail from port. In his position as fishing skipper he is no doubt aware of this situation, but as Master and a Manager of a large fleet of offshore vessels before my retirement, I find it irksome that a section of the seafaring profession has so little regard for the rules that are made for their safety.

I wish Malcolm Findlay success in his researches and his PhD, perhaps we shall see an extract in SEAWAYS at some later date. Having actually put pen to paper, or finger to word processor, I can at last tour the harbour at Weymouth without getting uptight at the fishing boats moored alongside with their fishing signals up!


 This created some comment:

"I am sure I shall not be the only one who, like your Dorset correspondent, wants to get it off his chest, but rest assured that the problem of permanently hoisted fishing signals is not confined to Dorset! Leigh-on-Sea is full of 'em. I shall pass copies of MARS 94018 around this area (and MARS 94019 for that matter) in the hope that things will improve".