92006 Collision with Tow 1

06 Jan 1992 MARS

A Troublesome Tow.
- Dusk. Slight sea. Fine and clear. Wind West 15kts. Current setting between E x N and ENE at 2kts.
- Report No. 92006.

A 6000 BHP tug was towing a large heavy-lift crane barge into an anchorage.

Contact was made with the barge, and I informed them that my intention was to run up into the anchorage on an ENE heading running before the current, in between numerous vessels anchored there, and for them to prepare their AFTER anchor for letting go. This was acknowledged. The tow was then manoeuvred into a good drop position, I gave the order to the barge to let go the anchor. They then, to my suprise let go the FORWARD CENTRE ANCHOR, which was between the towing bridle. Consequently, with the strong East -going current, the barge was bought up violently, and swung rapidly through 1800 to stem the current, the tug having to chase the barge around as she swung, and eventually brought to the current. Luckily there was no damage. On questioning the barge, they said the after anchor was not ready, and they had misunderstood, are there no mariners on board