202503 A hidden tripping hazard
An engineer was conducting a safety round in the engine room workshop welding area while the vessel was underway. Some welding had been done earlier but was not yet finished and the welding curtain was still in place. As he walked, he hit his foot on a loose pipe on the deck that had been hidden by the welding curtain.
The engineer lost his balance and fell on the deck, with the left side of his back hitting the flange of the pipe. He was able to stand back up and immediately informed the chief engineer. The victim was given preliminary first aid and 10 days later sent ashore for an examination. He was diagnosed with bruised ribs and was proactively repatriated five days later.

Lessons learned
- Every close call or incident/accident should immediately be reported, as in this case.
- Simple good housekeeping habits can help avoid such tripping accidents.
- Even mundane trips can cause injuries severe enough to lead to repatriation.