201907 Auto-pilot in collision mode

07 Jan 2019 MARS

Auto-pilot in collision mode
Edited from USCG Safety Alert 10-16

Auto-pilot systems can reduce the monotony of steering by freeing the helmsman to step away from the helm to perform other minor tasks and gain different navigational viewpoints. They also have disadvantages by making it easier for operators to engage in negligent navigational practices. Over-reliance on these systems can allow an operator to become too engrossed in performing other work on the bridge and, in extreme cases, can lead to personnel leaving the bridge for extended periods of time.

In some past incidents, the operator’s lack of system knowledge has hindered their ability to change over rapidly from auto-pilot to manual steering even when there was time to take corrective action.



Lessons learned

  • Using auto-pilot does not relieve crew from always keeping a sharp lookout.
  • Know how to switch quickly from auto-pilot to manual steering.
  • If there is a change in conditions (visibility, traffic density, area of navigation) re-evaluate the use of auto-pilot.