201502 Discharging tanker hit by runaway vessel

11 Dec 2014 MARS

A tanker was moored and discharging a load of fuel oil when another tanker was noted to be approaching in a dangerous manner. The Master of the moored tanker tried to contact the vessel underway on VHF radio but received no reply. Shortly thereafter the moored tanker’s general alarm was sounded and the crew mustered at their stations. The discharging operation was suspended, manifolds closed and the terminal informed. Within a few minutes the approaching ship collided with the berthed tanker, causing serious hull damage.It was later discovered that the vessel underway had lost main engine power and her crew had tried, unsuccessfully, to arrest their forward movement by using anchors.

Lessons learned (Editor’s note)
While the reason for the main engine failure of the vessel underway is not known to the reporting party in this instance (berthed vessel), readers should note the appropriate and timely action taken by the berthed vessel to reduce risks prior to the collision. Although the vessel underway attempted to slow their speed using anchors, mariners should be warned to exercise extreme caution when attempting such a manoeuvre. As reported in past MARS and other accident reports, anchor gear is not designed nor constructed to withstand such forces and injury or death could result to crew members nearby.