200953 Loss of steering - tiller disengaged

05 Sep 2009 MARS





While at sea, the steering gear ram-pin locking bolts worked loose and the cylindrical collarless pin fell off, causing the rudder tiller to disengage from the ram and swing 90 degrees, clear of the ram. Had the slew angle gone beyond this angle, the rudder could have potentially fouled the propeller rotating at full speed, with disastrous consequences.

Fortunately, due to prompt actions by the ship's engineers, a major accident involving extensive damage to the propeller and rudder was averted.
Instructions have been circulated to the fleet to verify that the ram pin locking arrangements are intact during every steering check.
The side elevation of ram/tiller connection seems to show that the ram pin is collarless and held in place only by plate washers and keeper bolts at positions A (above) and B (below).

Editor's note: This report does not explain why this crucial pin did not have a collar at the top, which would have prevented the tiller from disengaging. Ship staff should familiarise themselves thoroughly with the tiller/ram connection on board and ensure they are failproof.