200549 An Insecure Ladder
An Insecure Ladder
MARS Report 200549
This incident occurred on a general cargo ship, equipped to carry containers. On this occasion, the containers were loaded 3 high on deck. The Boatswain wanted to send a seaman on top of the containers to place bridge-fittings. He had placed a ladder of inadequate length on a wooden box to achieve the desired height. The ladder was held in place by 3 seamen holding onto the bottom. The Master noticed, in the ' nick of time', that a 4th seaman was about to climb onto the ladder. Little did the Boatswain realise that with the seaman partly up the ladder, had there been jerk or a roll (containers were being loaded in the adjacent bays), it would have been impossible for the 3 seamen to prevent the ladder(with the seaman) toppling over. A Near Miss! The ladder was brought down immediately, placed on a solid platform, secured from it's top with two ropes drawn to it's either side, and the seaman allowed to climb, with the bottom of the ladder being held fast.