200542 Changing Helm Controls

11 Feb 2005 MARS

Changing Helm Controls
MARS Report 200542

While departing the locks, the pilot ordered to transfer the helm from the bridge wing control to the centre helm control. However, the helm inside the bridge had been put hard over from the last order given before changing to the bridge wing control and it was never put back to midships.

When the helmsman inside the bridge switched over to take control of the helm, the rudder immediately went hard over to starboard and the ship's stern rode up over the centre wall of the lock and the bow went close to the west bank.

The pilot looked at the rudder angle indicator installed on the outside bulkhead and ordered the helmsman to midships and then to hard to port.

Lesson Learnt

It should be standard practice to make sure that the helm control is always in the midships position before switching over to a new helm control station.