200511 Port Official Immunity?
Port Official Immunity?
MARS Report 200511
The scene: A small coastal vessel is alongside a publicly accessible wharf while the crew are loading cargo by ship's crane. A young deckhand, wearing a hard hat and safety boots, is on the wharf attending to the pallet tray, which has just been lifted and about to be swung aboard. The Master is observing the operations from the wharf. Signs denoting "Working Area" and "No admittance except with authority" are prominently displayed at each approach to the berth.
A relatively new white car drives onto the wharf, passes the sign, narrowly misses a reversing forklift and stops immediately under the suspended pallets of building blocks.
As the Master immediately approaches,
Deckhand: Can't you see the $#@# sign - move away!
Driver of car Do you know who I am? I'm the Acting R------------. " (indicating a top executive position in the maritime hierarchy of the port). I have a right to be here.
Deckhand : I don't care who the %$# you are - is that going to help you if a tonne of bricks falls on your $%^# head ?"
Driver moves off.
Master, to Deck hand: " You took the words out of my mouth.