06/007 - Chief Officer in Port
Typical example when the vessel arrives ETA loading port at 0900 hrs ,Chief officer starts his day at 0345 by a wake call and keeps 0400 hrs to 0800 hrs Bridge watch. thereafter has a quick breakfast and goes for mooring stations .Vessel docks at 0900 hrs and he gets busy completing arrival formalities such draft survey providing information to all parties concerned ,preparing vessel for discharge, assisting the terminal in cargo sampling etc .By the time the arrival information and other formalities are completed its 1200 hrs ( that is the earliest).Chief Officer goes for lunch and in between is called several times on the Radio by the duty officer with queries relating to cargo operations .The lunch is over and here comes the Port State Inspector and Ship supplier .The Master asks the Mate to organise to lower the Life boat and rig hoses for the testing of Emergency fire pump .PSC Inspection lasts for about four hours and in between the Mate is also attending the needs of the cargo operations as charterers are asking to change the cargo plan ,the supplier wants him to organise a crane to pick up the stores.
Some of the crew are keen to go ashore after lunch and Mate needs to stop them from going ashore as he needs people for stores and to attend PSC inspection ,a bit of Human resource management .In between this he also needs to monitor and ensure that the vessel is in compliance with the terminal regulations and correct procedures with regard to the ISPS code .By the time the inspection is over and report is made by the PSC Inspector its 1800 hrs time for dinner. Mate goes for dinner with the radio keeping him busy all the time .The Terminal in the mean while informs him that the vessel shall be completing cargo at about 2400 hrs and sailing at 0200 hrs .Mind you so far Mate has put in more than 14 hours of work without taking rest .He continues to attend the cargo & ballast operations until completion .The vessel completes cargo on time and sails at 0200 hrs ,vessel clears the dock is now underway ,Mate secures the forward station and comes on the Bridge at 0400 hrs ready for the next watch ,so we can see that he ahs not rested in the last 24 hours and has a long day ahead planning work for the crew and completing all the paper work and at the same time preparing vessel for the next port.