
The Nautical Institute is shocked and saddened by the human suffering that is the result of actions of war in Ukraine. As a non-political organisation our remit is to provide objective support to all seafarers and maritime professionals, to help ensure their continued access to vital services, training and work opportunities.

War in Ukraine

Since February 2022 The Nautical Institute has held three online engagement forums for Ukrainian members, redoubled its communications with the Ukraine Branch (which remains active), and made several representations to key stakeholders and training providers at the international level.

The Nautical Institute also registered its support for the UK-Ukraine Transport Partnership in August 2022.

We continue to monitor the situation closely - particularly in line with the latest UK Government response and policy - and to review what more we can do to support the global maritime community during this uncertain time.

Members and non-members affected by the conflict are strongly encouraged to refer to trusted sources of information and support (including those listed below) and to get in touch directly through the Ukraine Branch ([email protected]) or at [email protected]. We will continue to update this page as and when situations develop.