Chartered Master Mariner

The Nautical Institute is delighted to be partnering with the Honourable Company of Master Mariners in introducing a new and eagerly-awaited professional standard to the maritime industry – that of Chartered Master Mariner (CMMar).

The award of Chartered status is a gold-standard for those who deserve the accolade of eminence. It will serve to recognise Master Mariners who have not only benefited the industry but have also improved their own professional capability and demonstrated a willingness to help others.

To ensure the status of Chartered Master Mariner commands equivalent recognition and professional respect to other technical disciplines, the path to attaining Chartered status is designed to thoroughly test and prove those who would aspire to achieve it. Candidates should understand that not all who apply will be successful and that all application fees are non-refundable.

If, having carefully read through the application guidelines (see above right), you would like to express your interest in attaining Chartered status then please contact The Nautical Institute at [email protected]

For Chartership FAQs click here