Introduction to Alternative Fuels

Pave the way and strengthen your understanding of Alternative Fuels and what it means for you and your fleet.

In the quest for a sustainable future, the maritime industry stands at the forefront of innovation, embracing alternative fuels to power the next generation of vessels. With environmental regulations tightening and the global call for climate action growing louder, it’s imperative for professionals in the field to stay ahead of the curve.

With this in mind, The Nautical Institute Academy invites you to step into the future of fueling by joining our Introduction to Alternative Fuels course, where knowledge becomes the catalyst for change. Step into the future with this one day intensive course that will enhance your understanding and knowledge on the next generation of fuels in the maritime industry. 

Course overview

Split into three modules the five hour course covers:

  • Module 1: Introduction and overview of shipping in respect of green fuels.
  • Module 2: Impact of Shipping to GHG
  • Module 3: Overview of Safety and  best practices
Course aims

To provide the participants with the opportunity to gain;

  • An overview of An understanding of impact of using green fuels on shipping and ports and relevant regulations governing this transition.
  • Knowledge on the importance of shipping in global economics and role of the International Maritime Organisation in the reduction of GHG.
  • An understanding of the impact of alternative fuels and their impact on safety, the training required for ship and shore staff and the new inspection regime (PSC, SIRE etc.).    


The course is designed as a one-day online (insturctor lead) workshop.

The workshop is delivered over fivehours (including breaks).  

Who should attend?

Ship brokers, charterers, bunker suppliers, local agents, port officials, Stevedores, shipping financing companies, students, anyone associated with shipping industry.


Candidates who attend the Introduction to Alternative Fuels course will receive a Nautical Institute Certificate of Completion.

To attain the certificate candidates must:- 

  • Attend the course in full.