International Sail Endorsement Scheme
Gain the edge in a competitive field by continuing your professional standing

The Nautical Institute has long recognised that tall ship sailors require specialist skills and knowledge to operate their vessels safely and efficiently. The Nautical Institute Academy, in collaboration with Sail Train International have developed an 'International Sail Endorsement Scheme' (ISES) that enables both square rig and fore-and-aft sailors to complete practical tasks and aquire new knowledge before being assessed and endorsed.
A fast track route to endorsement is also provided for more 'experienced' sailors.
Further details of the scheme and information a candidate needs to get started are provided in the drop down boxes below.
Introduction and overview
The scheme ensures tall ship sailors are able meet a professional standard of proficiency and is designed to be a self-driven professional development programme. Completed by candidates engaged in tall ship sailing in any capacity in the deck department and involves both practical tasks and the acquiring of the underpinning theory and knowledge.
The International Sail Endorsement is to be used in conjunction with an appropriate and valid deck certificate of competency (CoC). Normally, a CoC shows the capacity or limit to which the holder is entitled to operate. The International Sail Endorsement does not alter this privilege, rather it recognises the subject specialism and proficiency that the CoC holder has gained in tall ships.
Qualification requirements
Candidates wanting to gain the International Sail Endorsement must:
- hold an appropriate and valid deck certificate of competency, issued by a recognised authority and be at least 18 years old,
- have accrued a minimum period of sea service on tall ships satisfying the conditions noted in this section,
- have accrued sea service on vessels not less than 24 metres load-line length or 80 gross tons(squared) and whose primary source of motive power is derived from sail.
- Service accrued prior to ISES enrolment may be counted, subject to the conditions in this section being met. Sea service acquired prior to ISES enrolment must be recorded in an appropriate logbook where entries are signed and stamped by the Master of the vessel. New candidates acquiring sea service after ISES enrolment will log such service in the Task Record Book provided to candidates (See Annex III) or other approved logbook. Self declared sea service will not be accepted and sea service accrued under the age of 16 will not be counted.
New Candidates
New candidates are required to complete a programme of self-study and practical tasks at sea under the supervision of a competent person[1]. With accumulated sea service and completion of the outlined tasks, new candidates will be eligible to take the two-tier examination in which their knowledge and proficiency to safely operate tall ships, from the perspective of a deck officer, will be tested. Any sea-time accrued must have been recorded/signed off not more than five years prior to sitting their ISES part one examination.
New candidates wishing to be endorsed for ‘square rig’ operations will be required to complete the additional square rig module of the syllabus, complete all parts of the task book and have their ability to safely operate a multi masted square rig vessel tested through an oral examination. Questions related to fore-and-aft rig vessels will be asked of all candidates during the oral examination.

[1] A competent person is a person who holds a certificate of competency and possesses the knowledge or experience necessary to supervise the safe and efficient execution of tasks in accordance with standards expected in the workplace.
Experienced Candidates
ISES also enables existing tall ship sailors, with extensive prior knowledge and experience of tall ship sailing, to attend a verification interview, which may lead directly to the award of an International Sail Endorsement. Experienced candidates, meeting the ISES requirements detailed in the ‘Experienced Candidate Pathway Diagram’, will not be required to complete the practical tasks or undertake the two-tier examination.

The ISES also provides a revalidation procedure for all its certified sea personnel. Candidates should follow the revalidation pathway detailed in “Revalidation Pathway’ diagram. When submitting an application for revalidation, you will need to submit evidence of at least 60 days sea service on a sale vessel >24m load-line length and/or 80gt, accrued in the last three years.

Scheme Fees
First Time Applicant |
Pathway |
Fees: |
What’s included/specific requirements: |
New Candidates |
Non-member – £250.00 |
Enrolment, written examination (3 attempts), oral examination (1 attempt), verification of sea service, certification, and administrative support. |
Nautical Institute Member - £200.00 |
Experienced Candidates |
Non-member - £175.00 |
Enrolment, formal Interview (1 attempt), verification of sea service, certification, and administrative support. |
Nautical Institute Member - £140.00 |
Revalidation |
Existing Candidates |
Non-member – £150.00 |
Enrolment, verification of sea service, certification, and administrative support. |
Nautical Institute Member - £120.00 |
Re-sit |
Oral Examination |
Non-member/member rate - £125.00 per exam |
If a candidate was to defer on their first attempt at the oral examination, a fee applies. |
Written Examination |
If a candidate was to defer on their first attempt at the written examination, a fee applies |
The Syllabus
All candidates for the issue of an International Sail Endorsement, will have a knowledge and understanding of the subjects detailed in this syllabus.
Section A
Module |
Unit |
Module 01 – Vessel design and construction |
Unit 001 - Sailing vessels and rig types |
Unit 002 - Construction |
Unit 003 - Hull Maintenance |
Module 02 – Care and Maintenance of the Rig
Unit 001 - Standing and running rigging |
Unit 002 - Setting up standard and running rigging |
Unit 003 - Sails |
Unit 004 - Sail handling |
Module 03 Tall Ship Stability |
Unit 001- Intact and Damage stability |
Unit 002 - Effect of vessel stability |
Unit 003 - Sea keeping |
Module 04 Manoeuvring under sail |
Unit 001 - Describe the different processes and procedures for the items within the unit |
Module 05 Passage Planning and Meteorology |
Unit 001 - Describe the different processes and procedures for the items within the unit |
Module 06 Collision Avoidance |
Unit 001 - Describe the different processes and procedures for the items within the unit. |
Module 07 Seamanship |
Unit 001 - Describe the different processes and procedures for the items within the unit. |
Module 08 Ships Business and Resource Management |
Unit 001 - Personnel and manning |
Unit 002 - Welfare and wellbeing |
Module 09 Safety and survival at sea |
Unit 001 - Describe the different processes and procedures for the items within the unit. |
Section Two
Module |
Unit |
Module 01 Square Rig Operation |
Unit 001 - Describe the different processes and procedures for the items within the unit. |