Advertising in Seaways, the international monthly journal of The Nautical Institute, is available in a variety of colour options and sizes. For details download the Rate Card.
Seaways is sent to in excess of 7,800 members and corporate/individual subscribers worldwide. In addition, copies are distributed at seminars, conferences and exhibitions worldwide, throughout the year. Readership is estimated to be 20,000.
Seaways readers:
- Are in the forefront of selecting and implementing new technology. They have to stay ahead in this fast-moving sector.
- Need to keep abreast of new product developments, keep vessels safe and efficient and meet latest requirements.
- Have a significant influence on the safety culture: they need to know about new safety products and services.
- Are maritime professionals, committed to education, training and continuing professional development. They need to keep up to date.
Including Seaways on your advertising schedule provides your company with a unique opportunity to influence senior staff who have a purchasing responsibility.
Seaways is also a cost-effective vehicle for advertising recruitment, education and training provision and professional services.